Pencil Sharpener

True-ish Tales of Stationery Icons

Hello Pencil Sharpener.

Can I be perfectly blunt? You have a very dull backstory.

Admittedly, you’ve been awesome at saving us all time (and whittling skills) for the past century and a half. However, being designed by a French mathematician and manufactured by an American, doesn’t exactly make for an amusing anecdote. All records indicate that you’re something of a stationery wallflower.

 If that’s really true, how do you explain your rather saucy nom-de-plume? 

Did office workers really refer to you as Dick’s Perfect Pointer, the Love Sharpener and the Climax???   Surely it must be a case of mistaken identity or more likely, misguided marketing from years gone by.

Let’s just leave it at that, shall we?


Clag Glue


Pink+Blue Eraser